Plan your own legacy so your loved ones don’t have to.

Plan your own legacy, so your loved ones don’t have to. Discover our online legacy planning tools, meticulously designed to relieve your loved ones of the burden and assist you in crafting a celebration filled with inspiration and joy.

We make it easy. Here’s how it works:


We'll walk you through creating a plan with easy questions and lots of inspiration.


Save your favorite photos and videos. Write your own farewell. Share your favorite quotes, writings, and music. Leave letters to your loved ones.


Explore our resourceful advice, ideas, and inspiration to help you create a plan that truly represents your wonderful life.


My Burial Plan is designed to be the easiest, most useful, and inspiring way to pre-plan a farewell. You’ll be guided through simple questions to record your wishes and cover all the details. Whether it’s a unique event or a traditional farewell, our app provides the tools and inspiration you need to make it happen.

Why plan your own farewell now?

Plan your own farewell, so your loved ones don’t have to. Our online tools are here to help, making it easy to create a celebration filled with inspiration and joy.

Ensure Your Wishes Are Honored:

With our simple planning tools, you can ensure you're remembered exactly as you'd like. What's your favorite song? Any special photos you want displayed? Poems or letters to be read? Your celebration should be a reflection of you.

Relieve the Burden on Loved Ones:

Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be incredibly tough. It's even harder when you're not sure about their wishes. Planning ahead can make things easier for everyone.

Help a Loved One Plan:

Planning doesn't have to be a solo task. Many find it to be a joyful and memorable experience when done together as a family. Assisting a parent or loved one with their plan can create lasting memories and peace of mind.

Save Time and Money:

Studies show that when someone passes away, survivors often spend more than necessary on the farewell. Planning ahead can help avoid unnecessary expenses. It's best done when you're healthy.

Let's Start Planning Your Legacy

Thank you for taking the first step in creating a meaningful and lasting legacy. Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way.
